 Books and Book Chapters
 SCI Journal Publications
 Invited/Contributed Conference Talks
 Seminars, Lectures, Keynotes, and Colloquia
 Completed Dissertations

    Invited Talks, Keynotes, Lectures, Seminars and Colloquia

  1. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: from Colloidal Quantum Dots to Wells" Gordon Research Conference on Colloidal Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Les Diablerets, Switzerland, 3-8 July 2022. Invited

  2. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics" 11th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies (ICMAT), Singapore, 19-24 June 2022. Invited

  3. H. V. Demir, "Taming interfacial states in applied nanodevices" Optoelectronic Processes at Nanostructured Interfaces WE-Heraeus Seminar, Bad Honnef, Germany, 14 - 16 March 2022. Invited

  4. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrysal Optoelectronics" AGU Seminars, Kayseri, Turkey, 7 January 2022. Invited

  5. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrysal Optoelectronics" Koç Üniversitesi V. Patent Günü, Istanbul, Turkey, 24 December 2021. Invited

  6. H. V. Demir, "Emerging Field of Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: Pushing the Limits" NanoBioTech International Conference on micro – and nanotechnologies for life sciences 2021, Montreux, Switzerland 15 – 17 November 2021. Keynote speaker

  7. H. V. Demir, "SAHA EXPO Panel-6: Türkiye'nin Araştırma Altyapıları ve Bunlarına Savunma Sanayi Yansımaları" SAHA EXPO İstanbul, Turkey, 12 November 2021. Invited Panelist

  8. M. H. Humayun, P. L. Hernandez-Martinez, N. Gheshlaghi, O. Erdem, Y. Altintas, F. Shabani, and H. V. Demir, "Modified Emission Kinetics of Colloidal Quantum Wells (CQW) via Energy Transfer to Bulk Silicon: "Near-Field Energy Transfer into Silicon Inversely Proportional to Distance using CQW Donors"" International Workshop on “Emerging Nanomaterials for Displays and SSL”, 11 November 2021. Invited

  9. H. V. Demir, "1004 Programı Araştırma Programları Bilgi Paylaşım Toplantısı: α-1 Takımı" TÜBİTAK 1004 paylaşım günü, Ankara, Turkey, 1 November 2021. Invited

  10. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: Pushing the Limits, Breaking Records" ITMO General Seminars, St. Petersburg, Russia, 18 October 2021. Invited

  11. H. V. Demir, "Ulusal bir Merkez Olarak UNAM Modeli ve Stratejisi" Lokman Hekim Üniversitesi Sürekli Uygulama ve Araştırma Merkezi (LHÜSEM), Sürekli Eğitim Merkezi Konferanslar Dizisi, Ankara, Turkey, 12 October 2021. Invited

  12. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: Pushing The Limits, Breaking Records" IUMRS-ICA2021, South Korea 3 – 8 October 2021. Invited

  13. H. V. Demir, "Ulusal bir Merkez olarak UNAM ve UNAM'da Nanokristallerin Renkli Dünyası!" Bilkent Üniversitesi "GE100 Üniversite Hayatına Giriş, Ankara, Turkey, 16 September 2021. Invited

  14. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: Pushing the Limits" METANANO-2021, Tbilisi, Georgia, 13 - 17 September 2021. Invited

  15. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: Pushing the Limits, Breaking New Records" Turkish Physical Society 37th International Physics Congress, Bodrum, Muğla, Turkey, 1 - 5 September 2021. Invited

  16. H. V. Demir, "Emerging Field of Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics" iMiD 2021 - The 21st International Meeting on Information Display/ COEX, Seoul, Korea, 25 - 27 August 2021. Invited

  17. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: Oriented Self-Assembly of Colloidal Quantum Wells" The International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META), Warsaw, Poland, 20 - 23 July 2021. Invited

  18. H. V. Demir, "Emerging Optoelectronics of Colloidal Quantum Wells: Pushing the Limits" The internet NanoGe Conference on Nanocrystals (iNCNC), 28 June - 2 July 2021. Invited

  19. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics using Colloidal Quantum Dots and Wells: Pushing the Limits, Breaking Records" SLALOM 2021 School on Advanced Light-Emitting and Optical Materials (ITMO University, FEFU- Far Eastern Federal University), 28 June 2021. Invited

  20. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: Pushing the Limits, Breaking Records" Bilkent University Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Seminar Series, Ankara, Turkey, 11 May 2021. Invited

  21. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: A Journey from Colloidal Quantum Dots to Wells" Stanford University Ginzton Monday Seminar Series "virtual talk", AP483: Optics and Electronics Seminar, 12 April 2021. Invited

  22. H. V. Demir, "Bilkent Üniversitesi, UNAM Nanoteknoloji Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi / 6550 Araştırma Altyapılarına Örnek" BioExpo 2021 Multidisipliner Bilim Zirvesi "NANOTEKNOLOJİ GELECEK", 9 April 2021. Invited

  23. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: Pushing the Limits" Koç University and University of Tehran Virtual Faculty Workshop, 7 April 2021. Invited

  24. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: Pushing the Limits" Koç University and Sharif University of Technology Virtual Faculty Workshop, 9 February 2021. Invited

  25. H. V. Demir, "My Experience in IEEE Fellowship Application" 2021 IEEE Fellowship Workshop, 5 February 2021. Invited

  26. H. V. Demir, "Pushing the Limits with Colloidal Quantum Wells" Kick-off Meeting of Mega-Grant on Nanolasers and Microlasers of Novel Nanomaterials in Advanced Optical Architectures, ITMO, St Petersburg, Russia, 27 January 2021. Plenary Talk

  27. H. V. Demir, "Colloidal Quantum Wells for Advanced Displays and Lighting" International Workshop on Advanced Display Materials, HKUST, Hong Kong, 22 January 2021. Invited

  28. H. V. Demir, "Highly flexible light sources of nanorod InGaN/GaN light-emitting diodes in macro to micro formats integrated with colloidal quantum dots and metal nanoparticles" National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF-MSIT) / Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Bilateral Program Workshop, 23 December 2020. Invited

  29. H. V. Demir, "Color-enriched air-stable micropowders of solution-processed nanomaterials for high-efficiency, high-quality display backlighting" German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) / Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) Bilateral Program Workshop, 22 December 2020. Invited

  30. H. V. Demir, "Türkiye'den dünyaya açılan bilim serüvenim: Rengarenk nanokristallerin harika dünyası" Ankara Fen Lisesi FL Akademi, Ankara Turkey, 1 December 2020. Invited

  31. H. V. Demir, "New Developments in Nanotechnology and Its Effects in The Near Future" Turkey - Czechia Bussiness Council DEIK European Union Talks, 16 October 2020. Invited

  32. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: a Journey from Colloidal Quantum Dots to Wells" İzmir Institute of Technology - IYTE, Optics and Photonics Society (OPS), Late Light Talks e-Conference, 20 October 2020. Invited

  33. H. V. Demir, "Nanocyrstal Optoelectronics using Efficient Colloidal Quantum Dots and Wells" IEEE Photonics Virtual Conference (IPC2020), Vancouver, Canada, 27 September - 1 October 2020. Invited

  34. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optelectronics" TÜBİTAK - CAS (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Webinar Programme, 11 August 2020. Invited

  35. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optelectronics" NanoGE Internet Conference for Quantum Dots (iCQDs), 14-17 July 2020. Invited

  36. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics" SLALOM-2020, School on Advanced Light-Emitting and Optical Materials, St. Petersburg, Russia, 29 - 30 June 2020. Invited

  37. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: from Colloidal Quantum Dots to Wells" Bilkent University Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department Seminar (GE- 304), 28 April 2020.

  38. H. V. Demir, "Nanoteknolojinin açtığı ufuklar" EEMKON 2019 (Elektrik Elektronik Mühendisliği Kongresi), İstanbul, Türkiye, 16 November 2019. Invited

  39. H. V. Demir, "LUMINOUS! Centre of Excellence for Semiconductor Lighting and Displays" Nanyang Technological University, The Photonics Institute (TPI) Scientific Advisory Board Meeting, Singapore, 8 November 2019. Invited

  40. H. V. Demir, "Quality Semiconductor Lighting and High-performance Nanocrystal Optoelectronics as NTU’s Success Story" Photonics@SG 2019, Singapore, 7 November 2019. Invited

  41. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: A Journey from Colloidal Quantum Dots to Wells" NanoTR-15, Antalya, Turkey, 3 - 6 November 2019. Invited

  42. H. V. Demir, "V-talks: UNAM:6550 ile Ulusal Lab" Verimlilik ve Teknoloji Fuarı, Ankara, Turkey, 31 October – 3 November 2019. Invited

  43. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: from Colloidal Quantum Dots to Wells" National University of Singapore, Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering, Singapore, 24 October 2019. Invited

  44. H. V. Demir, "UNAM Model and Strategy for International Synergy" Toronto - Turkey Alliance: Research and Trade Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 10 October 2019. Invited

  45. T. Sargent and H. V. Demir, "Toronto-Turkey Alliance: New Materials for Displays" Toronto - Turkey Alliance: Research and Trade Workshop, University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, 10 October 2019. Invited

  46. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: from Colloidal Quantum Dots to Wells" Eskisehir Technical University, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Eskişehir, Turkey, 27 September 2019. Invited

  47. H. V. Demir, "Ar-Ge Inovasyon Ekosisteminde Yeni bir Oyuncu: 6550 Sayılı Kanun Kapsamındaki Araştırma Alt Yapıları" Ankara Sanayi Odası, Ankara, Turkey, 10 August 2019. Invited

  48. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics" META 2019 | 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics, Lisbon, Portugal, 23 - 26 July 2019. Invited

  49. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystals for Enhanced Optical Gain: from Colloidal Quantum Dots to Wells" METANANO 2019, IV International Conference on Metamaterials and Nanophotonics, St. Petersburg, Russia, 15 - 19 July 2019. Invited

  50. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Lasing: from Solution-Processed Quantum Dots to Wells" ICMAT 2019 | 10th International Conference on Materials for Advanced Technologies, Singapore, 23 - 28 June 2019. Invited

  51. H. V. Demir, "UNAM:6550 ile Ulusal Lab" 2023 Vizyonunda Üniversitelerin Araştırma Laboratuvarları Çalıştayı, Amasya University, Amasya, Turkey, 22 March 2019. Invited Seminar

  52. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor thin-film and nanocrystal technologies for lighting, displays, lasing and sensing" Bilkent University-UNAM, Ankara, Turkey, 1 March 2019. Invited Seminar

  53. H. V. Demir, "UNAM Model and International Synergy" Bilkent University-UNAM, Ankara, Turkey, 1 March 2019. Invited Seminar

  54. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: from Solution-Processed Quantum Dots to Wells" Sabancı University – SUNUM, İstanbul, Turkey, 13 February 2019. Invited Seminar

  55. H. V. Demir, "Atomically Flat Nanocrystals: Colloidal Quantum Wells" The Excitonics and Polaritonics International Conference EPIC-2018, Singapore, 5-7 December 2018. Invited Talk

  56. H. V. Demir, "Hacettepe – Bilkent UNAM Sağlık Bilimleri ve Teknolojileri Stratejik İşbirliği Protokolü" Hacettepe – Bilkent UNAM Health Sciences and Technologies Workshop, Hacettepe University, Ankara, 23 November 2018. Invited Talk

  57. H. V. Demir, "Ulusal Bir Merkez Olarak UNAM Modeli ve Stratejisi & İleri Malzeme Yüksek Teknoloji Platformları ile Elektronik ve Optik Bileşen Üretimi için Stratejik Ar-Ge Birliği α-1" Şişecam A.Ş., İstanbul, 9 November 2018. Invited Talk

  58. > H. V. Demir, "An Emerging Field of Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: All-Colloidal Nanocrystal Lasers of Quantum Dots to Wells" OSA Light, Energy and the Environment Congress 2018, Sentosa Island, Singapore, 5-8 November 2018. Invited Talk

  59. H. V. Demir, "Colloidal Photonics of Atomically Flat 2D Nanocrystals" nanoGe Fall Meeting 2018, Malaga, Spain, 24 October 2018. Invited Talk

  60. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: from Solution-Processed Quantum Dots to Wells" Single Nanostructures, Nanomaterials, Aerogels and their Interactions: Combining Quantum Physics and Chemistry - International Workshop, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany, 27 - 31 August 2018. Invited Talk

  61. O. S. Kulakovich, L. L. Trotsiuk, L. I. Gurinovich, V. V. Stankevich, N. I. Sushko, S.V. Gaponenko, K. Gungor, Y. Kelestemur, D. Dede, and H. V. Demir, "Polarized photoluminescence from CdSe nanoplatelets and quantum dots in stretched PVA films" 2018 International Seminar on Advanced Materials Research – ISAMR2018, Shanghai, China, 2-5 August 2018. Invited Talk

  62. H. V. Demir, "An emerging field of nanocrystal optoelectronics: all-colloidal nanocrystal lasers of quantum dots to wells" QD2018, 10th International Conference on Quantum Dots, Toronto, Canada, 28 June 2018. Invited Talk

  63. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: from Solution-Processed Quantum Dots to Wells" XIV International Conference on Nanostructured Materials – Nano2018, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China, 26 June 2018. Keynote Talk

  64. H. V. Demir, "Ulusal Merkez Olarak UNAM: 6550 Sayılı Kanun Kapsamında İşletme İçin UNAM Altyapı Süreçleri" 2023 Vizyonunda Üniversitelerin Araştırma Laboratuvarları Çalıştayı, Antalya, Turkey, 2 March 2018. Invited Talk

  65. H. V. Demir, "Hacettepe-Bilkent Health Sciences and Technologies (HST) Program" Hacettepe University, Cancer Institute, Ankara, Turkey, 11 January 2018. Invited Talk

  66. H. V. Demir, "UNAM Model for International Synergy and Nanocrystal Optoelectronics" Israel-Turkey workshop on Nanoscience & Nanotechnology, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel, 19 December 2017. Invited Talk

  67. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: from Solution-Processed Quantum Dots to Wells" Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 13 December 2017. Colloquium

  68. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics: from Solution-Processed Quantum Dots to Wells" Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München CeNS Colloquium, Munich, Germany, 27 October 2017. Colloquium

  69. Y. Kelestemur and H. V. Demir, "Advanced heterostructures of colloidal quantum wells for nanocrystal optoelectronics" MediNano 9 Conference, Amalfi, Italy, 3-4 September 2017. Invited Talk

  70. H. V. Demir, "OSA Nanophotonics Conference" OSA Nanophotonics Conference at Recife, Brazil, 4 July 2017. Invited Talk

  71. H. V. Demir, "German Physics Society Summer School Invited Lecture I" German Physics Society Summer School at Bad Honnef, Germany, 17 July 2017. Invited Lecture

  72. H. V. Demir, "German Physics Society Summer School Invited Lecture II" German Physics Society Summer School at Bad Honnef, Germany, 20 July 2017. Invited Lecture

  73. H. V. Demir, "NATO Nanophotonics Summer School Invited Lectures I" NATO Nanophotonics Summer School at Erice, Italy, 27 July 2017. Invited Lecture

  74. H. V. Demir, "NATO Nanophotonics Summer School Invited Lectures II" NATO Nanophotonics Summer School at Erice, Italy, 27 July 2017. Invited Lecture

  75. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics for quality lighting and versatile lasing" Nanomeeting 2017 Keynote Talk at Minsk, Belarus, 29 May 2017.

  76. H. V. Demir, "UV LEDs" GAP Presentation at Singapore, 12 April 2017.

  77. H. V. Demir, "Colloidal Quantum Dots for Quality Lighting" Physics Colloquia at Bilkent University Faculty of Science Department of Physics, Ankara, Turkey, 15 February 2017.

  78. H. V. Demir, "Colloidal Quantum Dots for Quality Lighting" 2016 OSA Light, Energy and the Environment Congress at Leipzig, Germany, 14-17 November 2016. Invited Talk

  79. H. V. Demir, "Colloidal Quantum Dots for Quality Lighting" Science Seminar at Koç University, İstanbul, Turkey, 8 April 2016.

  80. H. V. Demir, "All-colloidal lasers of solution-processed quantum dots and wells" 2016 MRS Spring Meeting & Exhibit, Phoenix, Arizona, USA, 28 March - 1 April 2016. NT1.5.02 Invited Talk

  81. H. V. Demir, "Colloidal Quantum Well Lasers" PQE-2016, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 3-8 January 2016. Invited Talk

  82. H. V. Demir, "Epitaxial Structure Engineering for High Performance Light Emitting Diodes" The 3rd International Conference on Advanced Electromaterials - ICAE 2015, Jeju, Korea, 16-20 November 2015.

  83. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics: from solution-processed quantum dots to wells" The 20th Anniversary of the Institute of Photonics, Glasgow, Scotland, 4 November 2015.

  84. H. V. Demir, "LUMINOUS! Center of Excellence for Semiconductor Lighting and Displays" LUX, Photonics Consortium, Singapore, 16 October 2015.

  85. H. V. Demir, "Nonradiative energy transfer in a layered metal-dielectric nanostructure mediated by surface plasmons" IEEE Photonics Conference Strategy Meeting, Experiment and Application Workshop, Reston, Virginia, USA, 3-9 October 2015.

  86. H. V. Demir, "Emerging Colloidal Quantum Optoelectronics of Solution-Processed Atomically-Flat Nanocrystals" NRF Investigatorship, Singapore, 2 September 2015.

  87. H. V. Demir, "Nonradiative energy transfer in a layered metal-dielectric nanostructure mediated by surface plasmons" Max Planck “Nanoscale Assemblies of Semiconductor Nanocrystals, Metal Nanoparticles and Single Molecules: Theory, Experiment and Application” Workshop, Dresden, Germany, 24-28 August 2015.

  88. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics: from solution-processed quantum dots to wells" Condensed Matter Seminar Series, NUS Physics -- Center for Advanced 2D Materials, National University of Singapore, Singapore, 12 August 2015.

  89. S. Golmakaniyoon, H. V. Demir, X. W. Sun, "Nonradiative energy transfer in a layered metal-dielectric nanostructure mediated by surface plasmons" SPIE - Plasmonics: Metallic Nanostructures and Their Optical Properties XIII, San Diego, California, USA, 9 August 2015.

  90. H. V. Demir, "High-efficiency nanocomposites of dense quantum dots for high-performance colloidal light-emitting diodes" UPENN, EEE Seminar, New York, USA, 17-21 June 2015. Invited Seminar

  91. H. V. Demir, "Colloidal nanophotonics: solution-processed quantum dots to wells" HPM 2015, Santorini, Greece, 27 May 2015.

  92. S. T. Tan and H. V. Demir, "LUMINOUS! Design Strategies for High-Brightness LEDs using GaN-on-Sapphire" SEMI 2015. SEMICON Southeast Asia 2015, Penang, Malaysia, 22-24 April 2015.

  93. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics: from solution-processed quantum dots to wells" Sharif University of Technology Colloquium, Tehran, Iran, 8 March 2015. Invited Talk

  94. H. V. Demir, "III-nitride LED epitaxy and LED chips for energy-saving quality lighting" University of Tehran Seminar, Tehran, Iran, 8 March 2015. Invited Talk

  95. H. V. Demir, "High-efficiency nanocomposites of dense quantum dots for high-performance colloidal light-emitting diodes" Asian Nano Forum Congress-ANFC, Kish Island, Iran, 10 March 2015. Invited Talk

  96. H. V. Demir, "Solution-processed nanocrystal optoelectronics: from colloidal quantum dots to wells for lighting and lasing" Stanford University OSA Seminar, Stanford, CA, USA, 8 January 2015.

  97. H. V. Demir, "High-efficiency nanocomposites of dense quantum dots for high-performance colloidal light-emitting diodes" PQE-2015, Snowbird, Utah, USA, 4-8 January 2015. Invited Talk

  98. T. Erdem and H. V. Demir, "Quality Lighting with Nanocrystal Color Enrichment" ForumLED Europe: LED Technologies & lighting products, Paris, France, 14-15 October 2014. Invited Talk

  99. B. Guzelturk, Y. Kelestemur, M. Olutas, S. Delikanli and H. V. Demir, "Amplified Spontaneous Emission and Lasing in Colloidal Nanoplatelets," 2nd N4E User's Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey (16-17 June 2014). Invited Talk

  100. Y. Kelestemur, B. Guzelturk and H. V. Demir, "Type-tunable and low threshold optical gain from core-seed CdSe/CdS nanorods," 2nd N4E User's Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey (16-17 June 2014). Invited Talk

  101. A. Yeltik, B. Guzelturk, P. L. Hernandez-Martinez, A. O. Govorov and H. V. Demir, "Phonon-assisted nonradiative energy transfer into silicon using nanoemitters," 2nd N4E User's Meeting, Istanbul, Turkey (16-17 June 2014). Invited Talk

  102. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics for semiconductor lighting and lasing" Advanced Photonics and Nanophotonics (APN), Technion Workshop, Singapore (18-19 May 2014).

  103. H. V. Demir and C. Puttlitz, "Electronic Implants," UCSF Seminar, University of California, San Francisco, CA, US (30 April 2014).

  104. H. V. Demir, "Colloidal quantum dots for solid state lighting and lasing" Ultra-parallel visible light communications (UP-VLC), University of St. Andrews, Scotland (3-4 April 2014). Colloquium.

  105. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal Optoelectronics for Quality Lighting," Fifth Annual SU2P Symposium, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, Scotland (31 March - 1 April 2014).

  106. H. V. Demir, “The making of LED” Global Young Scientist Summit, Singapore (January 23, 2014). Invited Lecture

  107. H. V. Demir, "Implantable Electronics: From wireless invivo sensors to chip-scale MRI resonators," PQE-2014 44th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics, Snowbird, Utah, US (5-9 January 2014).

  108. H. V. Demir, "LED lighting," Bilkent University. Graduate Seminar. (4 October 2013).

  109. H. V. Demir, "Collodial quantum dots photonics," Technical University of Berlin. Invited Seminar. (15 October 2013).

  110. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics for quality lighting," Anadolu University, Eskisehir. Invited Seminar. (7 November 2013).

  111. T. Erdem and H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics for semiconductor lighting and lasers," N4E Stockholm, Sweden. Invited Talk. (11 November 2013).

  112. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics for quality lighting and displays," NAP Symposium, Singapore. Invited Talk. (22 November 2013).

  113. H. V. Demir, "Design, growth, fabrication and applications of LEDs," OSRAM Keynote talk, Malaysia (5 September 2013).

  114. H. V. Demir, "The science and technology of excitonics for high-quality semiconductor lighting and displays," SORAA, Fremont, CA, US (18 June 2013).

  115. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics for quality lighting," Colloquium, Ohio University, Dept. of Physics & Astronomy, Athens, OH, US (1 November 2013).

  116. H. V. Demir, "LED lighting and displays," Spectra Physics Inc talks, Santa Clara, CA, US (7 June 2013).

  117. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics for quality LED lighting and displays," Stanford University Optics and Electronics Seminar, Stanford, CA, US (20 May 2013).

  118. S. T. Tan and H. V. Demir, "LEDs: Growth, materials, des,gn, chip modelling and fabrication," SEMICON Taiwan 2013, Taipei City, Taiwan (4 September 2013).

  119. H. V. Demir, "Implantable Electronics: From wireless invivo sensors to chip-scale MRI resonators," Stanford University Center for Cancer Nanotechnology Excellence, Stanford, CA, US (26 June 2013).

  120. V. K. Sharma and H. V. Demir, "Collodial Quantum Dots," University of Petroleum & Energy Studies (UPES), Dehradun – India (23 July 2013). Invited Talk

  121. H. V. Demir, "Exciton transfer dynamics in hybrid organic nanocomposites of colloidal quantum dots," International Workshop on Photonics of Functional Nanometerials, Hong Kong (6-9 May 2013). Invited Workshop Talk.

  122. H. V. Demir, "LED lighting with nanophosphors," SEMICON Singapore, Singapore (7-9 May 2013). Invited VIP Talk of SEMICON

  123. S. T. Tan, X. W. Sun, and H. V. Demir, "High-efficiency LEDs for energy-saving solid-state lighting," The 3rd Trilateral Workshop on Nanotechnology Applications in Energy, Water and Healthcare, India (19-22 November 2012). Invited Workshop Talk

  124. S. T. Tan, X. W. Sun, and H. V. Demir, "Advances in the light-emitting diode materials and architectures for energy-saving solid state lighting," International Conference of Young Researchers on Advanced Materials, Singapore (July 1-6, 2012). Invited Talk

  125. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics for Quality Lighting and Displays," Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), SAMSUNG, Korea (9 November 2012). Invited Seminar.

  126. H. V. Demir, "The Science and Technology of Excitonics For Innovation in Lighting," Singapore NRF CREATE, Singapore, (19 October 2012). Invited Talk.

  127. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics," International Workshop on Ordered and Non-Ordered Superstructures of Nanosized Objects: Preparation, Properties, Applications and Modelling, Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems, Dresden, Germany (09 - 13 July 2012). Invited Workshop Talk.

  128. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor nanocrystal optoelectronics for high-quality LED lighting," KAUST-UCSB-NSF Workshop on Solid State Lighting, KAUST, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Feb 12, 2012). Invited Workshop Talk.

  129. H. V. Demir, "Solid state lighting using nanocrystal integrated LEDs," SEMICON LED Forum, Singapore (24 April 2012). Invited VIP Talk of SEMICON.

  130. H. V. Demir, "National Research Foundation Competitive Research Program," NTU Singapore (November 11, 2011). Invited Seminar.

  131. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor nanocrystal optoelectronics for high-quality LED lighting," The Rank Prize Funds, Windermere, the Lake District, UK (September 12-15, 2011). The Rank Prize International Scholar. Invited International Scholar Lecture.

  132. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor nanocrystal optoelectronics for energy efficiency," CALTECH Science Seminar, Pasadena, CA, USA (January 25, 2011). Invited Seminar (science seminar series of Caltech Applied Physics Department).

  133. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics for artificial lighting," OSRAM, Regensburg, Germany (March 1, 2011). Invited Lecture (invited by the OSRAM CTO).

  134. H. V. Demir, "EC FP7 Projects N4E and ESF EURYI," TUBITAK Success Strories, Rixos Hotel, Ankara (April 20, 2011). Invited talk.

  135. H. V. Demir, "Solid state lighting using nanocrystal integrated LEDs," SEMICON, Suntech, Singapore (May 13, 2011). Invited talk.

  136. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal excitonics for high-quality semiconductor lighting," International Humanitarian World Forum, Baku State University, Baku, Azerbaijan (October 11, 2011). Invited talk.

  137. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor nanocrystal optoelectronics for high-quality LED lighting," Raffles Institute, Singapore (October 14, 2011). Invited Seminar.

  138. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal optoelectronics for light generation and harvesting," BILCHEM Society Renewable Energy for Our Future, Bilkent, Ankara (October 26, 2011). Invited Seminar.

  139. H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonics for energy efficiency dissemination," EC FP7, N4E, Brussels (February 6, 2011). Review.

  140. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor nanocrystal optoelectronics for High-Quality Lighting," KAIST, S. Korea (August 12, 2011). Invited Seminar.

  141. H. V. Demir, "High-quality solid state lighting with nanophosphors," Colloquium Univ. Duisburg-Essen, Germany (December 1, 2010). Colloquium.

  142. H. V. Demir, "The science and technology of excitonics for light generation and light harvesting," European Commission FP7 N4E NoE, LETI, Grenoble, France (November 29, 2010). Invited tutorial.

  143. H. V. Demir, "Solid state lighting enabled by nanophotonics using semiconductor nanocrystal quantum dots," Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai (April 8, 2010).

  144. H. V. Demir, "Light harvesting based on radiative and nonradiative energy Transfer using Semiconductor Nanocrystal Quantum Dots," Research Frontiers of Green Photoncis, Singapore (March 31, 2010).

  145. H. V. Demir, "III-Nitride quantum heterostructures and devices, for light generation and electroabsorption," Joint Workshop on Nitrides Semiconductor Devices (JWNSD), Singapore (October 18, 2010). Keynote.

  146. H. V. Demir, "High-Quality Solid State Lighting with Nanophosphors," University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE), Germany (December 1, 2010). Colloquium.

  147. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor Nanocrystal Optoelectronics for Energy Efficiency," CALTECH Science Seminar, Pasadena (January 25, 2010). Invited Science Seminar.

  148. H. V. Demir, "Ultra-efficient semiconductor lighting for a brighter, green future," Nanotechnology Days, Bilkent University, Tukey (March 27, 2010).

  149. H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonic solutions for high-quality solid state lighting," ADOPT Winter School, KTH, Sweeden (March 13, 2010).

  150. H. V. Demir, "Ultra-efficiency solid state lighting: our research work for a greener, brighter future," GE304 Seminar, Bilkent University (March 18, 2010).

  151. S. Nizamoğlu, and H. V. Demir, "Novel LEDs using nanocrystal quantum dot phosphors for high quality solid state lighting," Technion, Haifa, Israel (December 1, 2009).

  152. H. V. Demir, "Nanostructured white LEDs of nanocrystal quantum dot emitters for high quality solid state lighting," Research Frontiers of Solid State Lighting, Nanophotonics for Energy, ICFO, Bracelona (January 2010).

  153. H. V. Demir, "Nanostructured white LEDs of nanocrystal quantum dot emitters for high quality solid state lighting," Research Frontiers of Solid State Lighting, Singapore (December 1, 2009).

  154. H. V. Demir, "Green nanophotonics and solid state lighting to combat climate change," NTU Dean's Student List, Singapore (October 29, 2009).

  155. E. Mutlugün and H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal based scintillation via wavelength upcoversion and light harvesting via nonradiative energy transfer," METU Department of Physics, Ankara (June 25, 2009).

  156. E. Mutlugün and H. V. Demir, "Semi-conductor nanocrystal quantum dots and their photonic applications." Nanotechnology Days, Uludag University, Bursa (May 04, 2010)

  157. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor nanocrystals for high quality solid state lighting," Bilkent Physics Summer School, Ankara (June 17, 2009).

  158. H. V. Demir, "Innovative nanotechnology to combat climate change," Possibilities For Future, KalDer, Izmir (June 3, 2009).

  159. H. V. Demir, "High quality solid state lighting using nonradiative energy transfer in semiconductor nanocrystal luminophors," Math-Science Colloquium, Koc University, Istanbul (May 28, 2009).

  160. R. Melik, E. Sari, N. Kosku Perkgoz, and H. V. Demir, "Wireless bioimplant strain sensors for orthopedic and related medical applications," TUYOD Microdevices Bioimplant Applications (April 24, 2009).

  161. H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology against climate change," Ankara University Nanotechnology Days (April 18, 2009). Opening talk.

  162. H. V. Demir, "Green nanophotonics against climate change," TC Basbakanlik DPT Yaraticilik ve Yenilikcilik Avrupa Yili (Creativity and Innovation Year) (April 9, 2009).

  163. H. V. Demir, "Green nanophotonics to combat climate change," Johannes Kepler University of Linz and LIOS, Austria (March 10, 2009). Colloquium talk.

  164. E. Sari and H. V. Demir, "Blue quantum electroabsorption modulators based on reversed quantum confined Stark effect with blueshift", Workshop on Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics (organized under EU FP-7 UNAM-REGPOT Project) Ilgaz, Turkey (January 27, 2009).

  165. E. Mutlugün and H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor nanocrystal scintillators for extended UV operation in silicon solar cells, photodetectors and CCD cameras", Workshop on Nanoelectronics and Nanophotonics (organized under EU FP-7 UNAM-REGPOT Project) Ilgaz, Turkey (January 27, 2009).

  166. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor nanocrystals for solid state lighting," and "Metal nanoparticle plasmon-coupling and Förster resonance energy transfer in semiconductor nanocrystals for solid state lighting," Bilkent University Nanophotonics and Nanoelectronics Winter School, Ankara (January 24, 2009).

  167. H. V. Demir, "Nanostructured white LEDs of nanocrystal quantum dot emitters for high-quality mesopic solid state lighting," Nanyang University of Singapore, Singapore (January 12, 2009).

  168. H. V. Demir, "Nanostructured white LEDs of nanocrystal quantum dot emitters for high-quality mesopic solid state lighting," National University of Singapore, Singapore (January 9, 2009).

  169. H. V. Demir, "Energy-conscious nanotechnologies against climate change," UIG-TASSA Conference on Translational Research and Commercialization of Nanotechnologies, Energy Panel, Istanbul (December 23, 2008).

  170. E. Mutlugün and H. V. Demir, "Green nanotechnology to combat climate change," 4. Industrial Engineering Summit Meeting (EMSAZ 2008), Bursa (December 18-21, 2008).

  171. E. Mutlugün and H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology and applications to combact climate change," Ankara Kavaklidere Rotary Club, Ankara (December 16, 2008).

  172. E. Mutlugün and H. V. Demir, "Green nanophotonics to combat climate change," TUBITAK-Helmholtz Association Workshop, TUSSIDE Gebze (December 3-5, 2008).

  173. H. V. Demir, "Green nanotechnology against climate change," Ankara Fen Lisesi (Ankara Science High School), Ankara (November 26, 2008).

  174. H. V. Demir, "Green nanotechnology against climate change," 17. KalDer, Istanbul (November 25, 2008).

  175. H. V. Demir, "Green hybrid nanophotonics to combat climate change," Stanford University, CA (November 7, 2008).

  176. H. V. Demir, "Green nanophotonics to combat climate change," EU Phoremost NoE, Barcelona (October 31, 2008).

  177. H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology based sensors for defense," NATO RTO AVT, Montreal, Canada (October 14, 2008).

  178. H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonics to combat climate change," Tel Aviv University, Israel (September 25, 2008).

  179. H. V. Demir, "Semiconductor nanocrystal emitters for high quality white light generation in photon-adapted and dark-adapted vision," Bar-Ilan University, Israel (September 25, 2008).

  180. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal emitters with material specific binding on white LEDs," the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel (September 24, 2008).

  181. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid nanophotonics," Technion, Israel (September 23, 2008).

  182. H. V. Demir, "How can we use nanophotonics to combat climate change?," and "InGaN/GaN Quantum electroabsorption modulators with record breaking electroabsorption in blue," Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (September 12, 2008).

  183. H. V. Demir, "Solid state lighting with nanocrystal emitters for high quality white light in day and night time vision," Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (September 11, 2008).

  184. H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology as a future profession," Bilkent University, Ankara (September 8, 2008) and (September 9, 2008).

  185. H. V. Demir, "Solid state lighting LEDs with semiconductor nanocrystal emitters and metalic nanoparticle plasmonic enhancers," OSA (Optical Society of America) ODTU Optics and Photonics Summer School (September 3, 2008).

  186. H. V. Demir, "Innovation in hybrid nanophotonics to combat climate change" and "InGaN/GaN quantum Electroabsorption Modulators," Technical University of Dresden, Germany (April 20, 2008).

  187. H. V. Demir, "Innovative hybrid nanophotonic devices and systems," Bogazici University, Istanbul (April 16, 2008).

  188. H. V. Demir, "Innovation for nanoparticle and nanodevice technologies to combat climate change," Lemnis Lighting and Tendris Solutions, the Netherlands (April 4, 2008).

  189. E. Mutlugün and H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology and nanocrystal embedded devices," TUTEV, Ankara (March 26, 2008).

  190. S. Nizamoğlu and H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology, applications, and nanocrystal hybridized white LEDs," Turkish Army 5. Avionic Group, Ankara (March 20, 2008).

  191. H. V. Demir, "Innovative Nanophotonic Devices and Systems," Selcuk University, Konya (February 29, 2008).

  192. S. Nizamoğlu and H. V. Demir, "What is Nanotechnology?: significance and applications" and "nanocystal based WLEDs," RLC Seminar Series, Yildiz Techinical University, Istanbul (February 22, 2008).

  193. H. V. Demir, "Innovative technologies in nanoparticle embedded devices," Arcelik R&D, KOC Group, Istanbul (February 1, 2008).

  194. H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonic hybrid devices," Department of Physics, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul (February 1, 2008).

  195. H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonics to combat climate change with our new device technologies," Invited Young Scientist Program, Eastern Mediterranean University, G. Magosa (December 27, 2007).

  196. H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology: Emerging New Era," Science and Innovation Group, Eastern Mediterranean University, G. Magosa, KKTC (December 26, 2007).

  197. H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology, Nanophotonics, and Our Research Work," Bilkent BUPS Science Fair, Bilkent University (December 7, 2007).

  198. H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonic device innovation for solutions to the problems of today's lighting, energy, and environmental problems," KOC Group Headquarters, Nakkaştepe, Istanbul (November 30, 2007).

  199. H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonics: future nanoparticle and nanodevice technologies to combat climate change," Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) KIPNAS, Jakarta, Indonesia (November 20, 2007). Keynote Speech.

  200. H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonic wonders of semiconductor nanocrystals and metal nanoparticles," World Philosophy Day, Bilkent University Department of Philosophy, Ankara (November 16, 2007).

  201. E. Mutlugün and H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonics and nanocrystal hybridized scintillators" Nanotechnology Days, Atilim University, Ankara (October 31, 2007).

  202. E. Sari and H. V. Demir, "InGaN/GaN quantum electroabsorption modulators with very strong electroabsorption in blue" University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (October 26, 2007).

  203. H. V. Demir, "Functional nanophotonic materials for hybrid use in optoelectronics," Global Science Forum (GSF), Turkish Delegation of Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, Istanbul, (October 1, 2007). Scientific Lecture.

  204. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid nanophotonic devices and systems for new functionality," EURYI Award Ceremony and Network, Helsinki, Finland (September 27, 2007).

  205. H. V. Demir, "Functional nanophotonic materials for hybrid use in optoelectronics," KOC FIAT TOFAS R&D, Bursa (September 24, 2007).

  206. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid nanophotonic devices and systems for new functionality," Columbia University, New York (September 20, 2007).

  207. H. V. Demir, "Functional nanophotonic materials for hybrid use in optoelectronics," Stanford University, Stanford (September 10, 2007).

  208. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid nanophotonic devices and systems for new functionality," University of Washington, Seattle (September 6, 2007).

  209. H. V. Demir, "Functional nanophotonic materials for hybrid use in optoelectronics," Chonbuk National University, Korea (August 30, 2007).

  210. H. V. Demir, "III-Nitride based quantum electroabsorption modulators for optical clock injection directly into Si," Korean Photonics Technology Institute (KOPTI), Korea (August 30, 2007).

  211. H. V. Demir, "EU FP7 NMP potential in Turkey: Bilkent University Devices and Sensors Lab," EU FP7 NMP, Brussels, Belgium (July 17, 2007).

  212. H. V. Demir, "Novel molecular optoelectronic nanodevices hybridized on micro chips for new functionality," ESF EURYI, Brussels, Belgium (June 18, 2007).

  213. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid nanophotonic devices and systems for new functionality," Math-Science Colloquium, Koc University, Istanbul (April 12, 2007).

  214. H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonics" Nanotechnology Day, Nanotechnology Club, Bilkent University, Ankara (May 31, 2007).

  215. H. V. Demir, "Innovative hybrid nanophotonics for new functional devices," Nanophotonics Workshop 2007, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel (May 28, 2007).

  216. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid optoelectronic devices and sensors for new photonic functions," OASIS 2007, Tel Aviv, Israel (May 27, 2007).

  217. H. V. Demir, "Among future technologies: nanotechnology," 4th Human Resources Management Congress (4. Insan Kaynakları Yonetimi Kongresi), METU, Ankara (March 15, 2007).

  218. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid nanophotonics and RF devices and systems for new functionality," GeT Univation!, Braunschweig, Germany (February 26, 2007).

  219. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid nanophotonic devices and systems for new functionality," IAP Photon Colloquium, Vrije Universiteit Brussels, Belgium (November 13, 2006).

  220. H. V. Demir, "Our new hybrid nanophotonic devices," and "Our novel bioimplant RF sensors" NanoBio Seminar, Istanbul Technical University, Istanbul (November 12, 2006).

  221. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid Optoelectronic Quantum Devices and Systems," Fachgebiet Funktionspolymere, Bergische Universitat Wuppertal, Germany (November 2, 2006).

  222. H. V. Demir, "Nanophotonic hybrid devices and systems," Seminaire du departement de genie physique, Ecole Polytechnique, Montreal, Canada (November 1, 2006).

  223. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid nanophotonic devices and systems for new functionality," Yale University, New Haven, CT (September 29, 2006).

  224. H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology," Carreer Development Week (Is Alanlari Tanitim Haftasi), Bilkent University, Ankara (November 17, 2006); GE100, Bilkent University, Ankara (September 7, 2006).

  225. H. V. Demir, "Nanocrystal embedded photonic surfaces" and "Visible and UV Quantum Optoelectronic Devices," University of California, Riverside, CA (August 21, 2006).

  226. H. V. Demir, "Hybrid devices and systems embedded with nano material for new photonic functions," Stanford Photonics Research Center Seminar (SPRC), Stanford University, Stanford, CA (August 14, 2006).

  227. H. V. Demir, "Development of our nanophotonic devices and sensors at Bilkent," Arcelik R&D, Koc Group, Istanbul (May 30, 2006).

  228. H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology:the future's profession" and "Our Nano Devices and Sensors Group at Bilkent," Nanotechnology University Camp, Petrol Ofisi, TUBITAK TUSSIDE, Gebze (May 29, 2006).

  229. H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnologies and space technologies at Bilkent," 'What is Next?' Atilim 2006 Conference, Meteksan Group, Antalya (May 12, 2006).

  230. H. V. Demir, "Our optoelectronic devices with nano structures at Bilkent," DYO R&D, Yasar Group, Izmir (May 8, 2006).

  231. H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology and our research projects" Pamukkale University; Erbakir and Denizli Chamber of Commerce, Denizli (May 4-5, 2006).

  232. H. V. Demir, "Optoelectronic sensors, modulators and applications" Turkish Army Optics and Electro-optics Conference, Ankara (May 2, 2006).

  233. H. V. Demir, "Quantum optoelectronic devices for strategic applications" Turkish Air Force, Eskisehir (May 1, 2006).

  234. H. V. Demir, "On nanotechnology and our research efforts" Engineering Days, TOBB University, Ankara (April 16, 2006).

  235. H. V. Demir, "Nanotechnology: future carreer," Bilkent University Computation and Communication Days, Ankara (April 12, 2006); Bilkent University Career Days, Ankara (February 15, 2006).

  236. H. V. Demir, "Photonic devices embedded with nano structures for new functionality," National Academy of Sciences, Institute of Atomic and Molecular Physics, Minsk, Belarus (November 18, 2005).

  237. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional integrated quantum photonic switches," Universita Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain (January 25, 2005).

  238. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional integrated quantum photonic switches," Math-Science Colloquium, Koc University, Istanbul (December 17, 2004).

  239. H. V. Demir, "Ultrafast optoelectronic switching devices," WEAG CEPA-8 European Meeting on Optoelectronics for Homeland Security, , Istanbul (October 12, 2004).

  240. H. V. Demir and D. A. B. Miller, "Multifunctional integrated quantum photonic switches," Photonics Technology Access Program (funded by NSF and DARPA), Kauai, HI (April 19, 2004).

  241. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional integrated quantum photonic switches," University of California, Santa Cruz, CA (April 13, 2004).

  242. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional photonic switches," Harvard University, Cambridge, MA (April 9, 2004).

  243. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional photonic switches," University of California, San Diego, CA (April 2, 2004).

  244. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional photonic switches," Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (March 31, 2004).

  245. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional photonic switches," Texas A&M University, College Station, TX (March 25, 2004).

  246. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional photonic switches," University of North Carolina, Charlotte, NC (March 22, 2004).

  247. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional photonic switches," University of Texas, Arlington, TX (February 20, 2004).

  248. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional photonic switches," Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA (February 12, 2004).

  249. H. V. Demir, "Multifunctional photonic switches," Stanford Network Research Center, Stanford, CA (February 5, 2004).

  250. H. V. Demir, "Novel optically-controlled optoelectronic switches for future generation optical networks," Rensselaer Computer Science Colloquium Series, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY (October 17, 2003).

  251. H. V. Demir, "Highly-integrated multi-functional optically-controlled optoelectronic switches for next generation optical links," General Electronics Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY (August 11, 2003).

  252. H. V. Demir et al., "Options and choices for optical switching proposed for 100 Tb/s optical router," Optical Routing and Switching Seminar Stanford University, Stanford, CA (October 9, 2001).

  253. H. V. Demir et al., "Ultrafast optoelectronics for switching and wavelength conversion," Stanford Photonics Research Center Annual Meeting (SPRC), Stanford, CA (September 14, 2001).

  254. H. V. Demir et al., "Switch datapath in Stanford optical router," Optical Routing and Switching Seminar Stanford University, Stanford, CA (June 12, 2001).

  255. M. B. Yairi, H. V. Demir, and D. A. B. Miller, "Optically-controlled optical gate tested with pico-second pulses," Intel Corporation, Santa Clara, CA (April 14, 2000).